A vertical tasting is where the same wine, either a blend or single varietal, has 2 or more vintages to taste back to back. For example a vertical tasting might include Cabernet Franc from 2012, 2013 and 2014 from the same vineyard. What is the significance of doing a vertical tasting? Well, I’m glad you asked!
Back in late April, we held a vertical tasting in our Meeting House. There were three stations with seven different wines and 21 labels total. We had a variety of whites, reds and our estate grown dessert wine, Blue Ice. Below is a list of the wines we had at the event.
- Vidal Blanc
- Chardonnay (oak aged)
- Petit Manseng
- Merlot
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Houndstooth
- Blue Ice
Thanks for tuning into this week’s edition of Out of the Barrel. Cheers